' O R A F O R M A '
G R O U P E X H I B I T I O N (+FEM Collective)
J U N E 2 0 2 2
The group exhibition ora forma by +FEM blurs the lines between flower shop and exhibition space:
From June 11 to July 1, 2022, the feminist collective +FEM will show young female art positions embedded in the retail space of the flower shop Blumen Ora Ora. The group exhibition ora forma focuses on the tense relationship between culture and nature, to which the artists Dominika Bednarsky, Sonja Drolma Herrmann, Géneviève Lassey, Un-Zu Ha-Nul Lee, Kristina Mukhacheva, the design duo Pisa Peng,
Cornelia van Rijswijk, Miriam Steinmacher and Lena Stewens dedicate their artworks in various media.
As in previous group shows, +FEM thus opens an utopian view of a feminist-organized future, which this time wants to see itself as a counter-proposal to the current mastery of nature. In their artistic form, the works shown strive for a unification, or at least a compatibility of both: while nature serves the artists on the one hand as material that is transformed for artificial appropriation in the works, it is on the other hand a source of inspiration from which it is difficult to completely distance oneself. On display, therefore, are works of art that are aesthetically oriented to and work off of organic forms, as well as those that integrate material taken from nature into their art. In the interplay of the works with the flower shop, a symbiotic environment is created in which it is no longer possible to decisively identify what is part of the shop or the exhibition.
+FEM is a collective of female artists, activists and academics based in Frankfurt am Main. +FEM was initiated in 2017 by Kristina Mukhacheva and Naomi Rado, who take a collective approach to curation in close cooperation with the artists. The goal of +FEM is to create a space for collaboration and presentation of artistic work, especially for individuals who identify as female, non-binary, and/or queer.
This year's exhibition venue, Blumen Ora Ora, has been operated since the 1990s by florist Suk-Jin Kim-Lee, who was also fundamentally involved in the implementation of the shop exhibition. Ora forma is hence intended to provide a different view of places surrounding us, to take art out of the white cube and contextualise it in new spatial contexts.
Flowers Ora Ora, Düsseldorfer road 16, 60329 Frankfurt/Main
Press contact: plusfemexhibition@gmail.com
Further information: www.plusfem-collective.com
The exhibition was sponsored by Frauenreferat Frankfurt and Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt.
(All images are Artists own)