(2022) It is not there. It never was, Nextdoor Ari - Brisbane, Australia.
(2021) Heaven_Likes_Screens, Sure Studio - Brisbane, Australia.
(2021) Hyper Real, KEPK Studios - Brisbane, Australia.
(2023) Mars Pop Art Festival, International Convention & Exhibition Centre - Wuhan, China.
(2022) Ora Forma, Blumen Ora Ora - Frankfurt, Germany.
(2021) Pop up Pick Up, Lübeck Museum - Lübeck, Germany.
(2021) Mutual Intent, The Third Quarter Gallery & The Design Conference - Brisbane, Australia.
(2020) I saw it first (Platypus Publication), Third Quarter Gallery - Brisbane, Australia.
(2017) Phosphorus, Baskerville Hall - Cardiff, UK.
(2016) Festival of Voice, West Wharf Gallery - Cardiff, UK.
(2016) Tactile Bosch, The Coal Exchange - Cardiff, UK.